Endurance Mountain Bike Race
May 10, 2025 7AM - 7PM

This event would not happen without the efforts and support of dedicated volunteers. If you aren’t racing, come be a volunteer! All volunteers receive a goody bag, t-shirt, snack pack, and are entered into volunteer-only door prize drawings. Multi-shift volunteers also receive a free meal or meal voucher. We need the most volunteers on Saturday, but we also need volunteers on Friday. Multiple shifts and positions available.
Thank you!!!
Volunteer FAQs
Q: Where do I go when I get to the fairgrounds?
A: The best day-parking will probably be to your left after you enter the fairgrounds. Signs should direct you to parking areas. After parking, you will walk into the “Beef Barn” which is the hub of the race. Inside the Beef Barn you will need to report to the Volunteer booth. Please make sure to check-in BEFORE your shift.
Q: What should I bring for my shift?
A: If you will be seated you will want a cushion or towel for the metal chairs. If you are a course marshal you will want to be prepared for the weather which could be hot sun, cold rain, or dusty wind. Course marshals will need a cell phone and might also want a camp chair and umbrella. Recycle monitors should wear comfy shoes. Everyone should bring snacks or drinks and whatever else will make you comfortable.
Q: Do we have to wait for someone to replace us before we leave our shift?
A: Yes, however if you do need to leave, please inform one of the race board members, so they may find a replacement for you
Q: Do I need to go to packet pickup?
A: No, packet pickup is for racers. However, if you have signed up to assist with packet pickup as a volunteer then please do go to packet pickup. All Saturday volunteers need to check in at the volunteer tent at the north/east corner of the race barn.
Volunteer Position Descriptions
Friday Shift (day before race)
Racer Packet Pickup- Packet Pickup is at Kokopelli Bike and Board until 8 PM and then we pack up. You are responsible for providing racers with the information and gear they need to start the race. Racers are required to pick up their racer packets during this time; therefore we will have approximately 950 packets to distribute in about 8 hours’ time. That’s an average of 119 packets per hour racers per hour or about 2 packets every minute, but of course they arrive in waves. THIS IS A BUSY TIME! Most positions are seated and require efficiency and friendliness.
Saturday RACE DAY Shifts
Timing Tables- This is where we have the most need for volunteers. This is also the center of the action! Every racer will come through the race barn and check in at the timing tables for each lap. The first shift is the busiest, while the last shift is the least busy. These positions are seated on metal chairs. Please bring a cushion or towel with you. Water and small snacks are provided but please bring any food, layers of clothing, or whatever you need to make yourself comfortable.
Rover Volunteer Position- This is a floating position. This position is open-ended and you will be asked to do a variety of tasks. Duties could include, riding your bike out to a volunteer on the course, Emptying trash. Drive to town, Tailwind hydration station. Flexibility is key for this position.
Course Marshals- You have two main responsibilities as a course marshal; keeping the riders on the correct trail at intersections, and being available for racers to report any accidents or events. Some course marshals are stationed at dirt road crossings and will need to direct any cars to give racers the right of way. Other course marshals are stationed at trail intersections along the race course. Let us know if you would rather be closer to the fairgrounds at a road station, or if you can ride your bike or hike out to a more remote station. Course Marshals should have a cell phone, and be prepared for hot sun or wind or rain. Bring water and snacks. Camp chairs and umbrellas are also nice to have.